How to Develop a Great Digital Strategy

To succeed today, companies need a a unique value proposition that incorporates digital technologies in a way that is difficult for competitors to replicate. As leading technology companies embrace biometrics, artificial intelligence (AI), drones, and other exciting digital technologies, senior business executives at many other companies feel pressured to do the same. But if they […]

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Quali competenze sono richieste dal mercato del lavoro? Ecco cosa dice LinkedIn

È più importante “essere” piuttosto che “sapere”: forse lo potevamo intuire ma ora è arrivata la conferma. La ricerca condotta infatti da LinkedIn, sui profili di un campione di circa 2,3 milioni di iscritti americani al sito web che sono riusciti a cambiare attività lavorativa dopo la risposta ad almeno un’offerta presente su questo servizio […]

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How Will Cognitive Technologies Affect Your Organization?

Our once-subservient machines are encroaching on tasks that have been firmly in the human domain. Even seasoned carnival barkers might struggle to exaggerate the current feats of cognitive technologies. We now marvel at artificial intelligence-fueled creations that allow a teenager to win 160,000 parking ticket cases or an app to quickly diagnose health symptoms at a […]

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Technology and the “End of Management”

No, software will not render managers obsolete, but you will need to be more skilled than ever before. Editor’s Note: This essay gives the author’s response to this question: “Within the next five years, how will technology change the practice of management in a way we have not yet witnessed?” I’ve been thinking about technology […]

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Finding a Lower-Risk Path to High-Impact Innovations

The pursuit of major innovations is often seen as a risky endeavor. However, there is a lower-risk way to commercialize certain types of high-impact innovations — by viewing initial applications as “lily pads” that a company can reach before leaping to the next market.   When people talk about innovation, they often envision the big […]

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Achieving Meritocracy in the Workplace

Merit-based reward practices can unintentionally lead to pay disparities based on gender, race, and national origin. Here’s how companies can use data, transparency, and accountability to prevent that. For their companies to remain competitive and successful, many executives strongly believe that they need to recruit and retain top talent. And to do so, they must […]

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Managing tensions between new and existing business models
Managing tensions between new and existing business models

The search for new business models forces established companies to experiment with organizational designs — and leads to tensions that should be anticipated and carefully managed. Exploring new business models is a recognized way for mature companies to renew their competitive advantage. Companies explore new value propositions, deploy value propositions in new segments, change the […]

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Investing for a sustainable future
Investing for a sustainable future

Investors Care More About Sustainability than Many Executives Believe. Investors see a strong link between corporate sustainability performance and financial performance — so they’re using sustainability-related data as a rationale for investment decisions like never before. Executive Summary Many executives embrace the conventional wisdom that mainstream investors care little about an organization’s performance on environmental, […]

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Keep calm and manage disruption
Keep calm and manage distruption

Just whisper the word “disruption” if you want to scare the life out of many business leaders. But contrary to some claims, disruption can be averted, and many businesses find ways of managing through it. One strategy for dealing with a potentially disruptive competitor is to acquire it. If you want to capture the attention […]

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