Managing tensions between new and existing business models
Managing tensions between new and existing business models

The search for new business models forces established companies to experiment with organizational designs — and leads to tensions that should be anticipated and carefully managed. Exploring new business models is a recognized way for mature companies to renew their competitive advantage. Companies explore new value propositions, deploy value propositions in new segments, change the […]

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Investing for a sustainable future
Investing for a sustainable future

Investors Care More About Sustainability than Many Executives Believe. Investors see a strong link between corporate sustainability performance and financial performance — so they’re using sustainability-related data as a rationale for investment decisions like never before. Executive Summary Many executives embrace the conventional wisdom that mainstream investors care little about an organization’s performance on environmental, […]

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Keep calm and manage disruption
Keep calm and manage distruption

Just whisper the word “disruption” if you want to scare the life out of many business leaders. But contrary to some claims, disruption can be averted, and many businesses find ways of managing through it. One strategy for dealing with a potentially disruptive competitor is to acquire it. If you want to capture the attention […]

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